Boki77 во 10:13
на тема RE: ПХД Биопирамида
Practise writing a letter to Santa with these activities.
A horrible monster has locked the princess up in a tower. Can anybody rescue her?
A secret is something that only you and a few other people know and you mustn't tell anybody else. "What are you two whispering about?""It's a secret!"
Sweets are small things that you eat, made of sugar. In America sweets are called candy. "Would you like one?""Yes please.""Can I have one too?""Ok."
What do you want to be when you are older? What do you think are the best and the worst jobs?
There are eight cute pets in this game. Can you match the words and pictures?
How many teeth have you lost? In Britain the tooth fairy takes your tooth away and leaves a coin. Is there a tooth fairy in your country? Remember we say one tooth and two teeth!
Welcome to Trolley Dash! You have sixty seconds to collect everything on your shopping list. Finish in time and move to the next level.
Have you got a pet? If so, tell us all about it. If not, would you like to have a pet? Which animals do you think make the best pets?
Dino the dog likes running. But there are lots of dangerous things on the road - tyres, rubbish bins and bouncing balls! If they hit him, he's in trouble!
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