Boki77 во 10:13
на тема RE: ПХД Биопирамида
What do you know about the Paralympic Games? Find out about their history and how they have grown to be one of the biggest sports events in the world.
The first Olympic Games were held in Olympia in Greece in 776 BC. Find out more about the history behind the Olympic games.
Look at the picture - can you spell the word? Burst the right balloons when they go past!
Incy Wincy is a spider. Listen to a song about Incy Wincy in the rain and the sunshine, and make your kids sing along
Sing along to this traditional folk song.
What animals has Old MacDonald got on his farm? What noise do they make? Listen to the song Old MacDonald had a farm and find out.
A horrible monster has locked the princess up in a tower. Can anybody rescue her?
There are eight cute pets in this game. Can you match the words and pictures?
Welcome to Trolley Dash! You have sixty seconds to collect everything on your shopping list. Finish in time and move to the next level.
Dino the dog likes running. But there are lots of dangerous things on the road - tyres, rubbish bins and bouncing balls! If they hit him, he's in trouble!
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