agnes77 -> RE: Вештачко оплодување (2.11.2010 21:54:41)
ИЗВОРНА ПОРАКА: Bogdancanka ИЗВОРНА ПОРАКА: veckasr vi se molam da i pomognete ako sakate na zenata da i dadete jakcekletki Veckasr zarem moze od sekoj da se prima jajcekletki?izvini vaka sto prasuvam ali za ova bas i mnogu mnogu ne mi e jasno kako odat donaciite znam deka moze da se donira od majka,sestra ili nekoja rodnina....a vaka neli treba nekoi ispituvanja dali moze ili ne?ne mi se jasni bas mnogu ovie raboti pozzzz mila секој може да донира Donors includes the following types: - Donors unrelated to the recipients who do it for altruistic or monetary reasons. They are often anonymous donors typically recruited by egg donor agencies or, sometimes, IVF programs.
- Designated donors, e.g. a friend or relative brought by the patients to serve as a donor specifically to help them. In Sweden, couples who can bring such a donor still get another person as a donor, but instead get advanced on the waiting list for the procedure, and that donor rather becomes a "cross donor".[8]
- Patients taking part in shared oocyte programmes. Women who go through in vitro fertilization may be willing to donate unused eggs to such a program, where the egg recipients together help paying the cost of the IVF procedure.[9] It is very cost-effective compared to other alternatives.[10] The pregnancy rates with use of shared oocytes is similar to that with altruistic donors.[11]