Сакаш да се откажеш? Пред да ја потврдиш својата одлука, запознај се со последиците од таа одлука.
Доколку го потврдиш своето откажување, на твојот комјутер ќе наместиме cookie, кој ќе ни овозможи, во текот на натпреварот (14.03 - 18.03.2016) при посета на порталот да те препознаеме и да овозможиме слободно користење на порталот, без прикажување сликички, односно контролор на играта од десна страна на екранот.
Истовремено ќе бидат одземени сите собрани поени. За жал, со откажувањето, губиш и право на награди.
Yummy mummy Glamorous girls who shop and lunch their way through pregnancy, proudly displaying their little bumps like the latest designer handbag. They generally see pregnancy as an opportunity to buy a whole new wardrobe with a team of personal shoppers on hand.
Yummy mummies disguise bleary eyes with Gucci sunglasses and recommend pregnancy to female friends as a fabulous way to detox.
Of course, they are sensible, and understand motherhood means making sacrifices, like and reducing the 90mm heel on their Prada shoes to sensible 65mm. Izvor: Urban dictionary
Yummy mummy Glamorous girls who shop and lunch their way through pregnancy, proudly displaying their little bumps like the latest designer handbag. They generally see pregnancy as an opportunity to buy a whole new wardrobe with a team of personal shoppers on hand.
Yummy mummies disguise bleary eyes with Gucci sunglasses and recommend pregnancy to female friends as a fabulous way to detox.
Of course, they are sensible, and understand motherhood means making sacrifices, like and reducing the 90mm heel on their Prada shoes to sensible 65mm. Izvor: Urban dictionary
Hahahahaaaa... znaci imalo i strucno tolkuvanje za mojata psiholoska sostojba
There are no strangers, just friends you haven''t met yet!